Sunday, April 12, 2009

On a philosophical note....

Finally its coming to an end.... or its the beginning ???? It certainly was everything I expected and everything I didn't expect..... Happiness galore but it had its share of disappointments too which is perfectly OK otherwise it wont have been memorable. Lots of lessons learned in all spheres of life some hard way and of course those are the ones which will be remembered by me all my life... I learnt to recognise people and it was definitely a lesson learnt the hard way. I learnt a lot about myself too and my capability to deal with things, my bestest friend Sonam used to say and I quote " You are one of the strongest persons I have ever met." and to be honest I never ever believed her because I was the first one to shed tears when something didn't  go as I had planned. Here I learnt its my way to deal with things, crying and then striving hard to prove every damn person against me wrong. 
 Four years gone and even though one year left it wont be in Goa, wont be in the campus whose every nook and corner I am so familiar with. I have to go into the scary world outside and find my own way to my goal.... which is still so undecided that its scary. 
Just 35 days left before I pack all my stuff give my room to someone else and just leave. BITS-Goa was my dream I remember the day I saw the advertisement for BITSAT and I said "kaash mera BITS-Goa mein ho jaye" and here I am almost ready to finish my post graduation, when I first entered the campus i just fell in love with the gorgeous campus , with the ambience almost perfect for studies(;)). Today on the verge of leaving and everything that I have gone through during my stay on the campus I just hope that I leave it at a happy note and not a bitter one...
P.S. Its a bit philosophical but then again I am in a philosophical mood now-a-days.