Wednesday, June 10, 2009


'when someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time' the cambridge dictionary defines hypocrisy as stated above... word to word.. and its the top of my HATE list... needless to say this kind of increases the number of persons I hate un this world leading me to forgive such kind of persons but I never forget.. and despite taking all precautions not to entrust these kind of persons ever again somehow one does fall into the trap only to be betrayed again and again...and which just leaves u fuming but I have promised myself not to yell at anyone just be calm maybe write a blog or diary about and not speak for sometime but not to yell seeing how fruitless it can be.... I just dont understand how ungrateful people can be how very ungrateful....I am just writing this to vent out my anger and nothing else because i promised myself not to yell... and considering what a spitfire I am You can expect lots and lots of these kind of blogs... so this post is just a way to vent out my anger... So where was I yes... ungratefulness.... combined by Hypocrisy this makes a lethal combination and needless to say I have found loads of such kind of persons...loads of them I dont know whether People really belong to this category or that i abide too much by the literal definition of these words... Whatever it is...I HATE such people who always expect never ready to give nothing in return.. Is it really true that having ceratin principles and abiding by them no much how much inconvenience it causes to one is a thing of the past now??? then Why does it does not make one feel good ??? why does when caring and considerate feelings not reciprocated does one feel bad and neglected??? why do people lie outright to your face when you know they are lying and still not be shameful about it ... rather defend what they are saying...??? well... please anyone who knows answers do post them ... beacuse i neither have the patience nor the will anymore to find them out myself.....

1 comment:

Pratik Mandrekar said...

Well every person who's capable to of say reading this blog,is smart enough to justify what they think is right or wrong. The best would be to stop having expectations from someone who may not just be worth the time and effort... and yeah this is a nice place to vent anger, no1 would get hurt :)